A Personal Perspective on Recently Losing My Job Due to Covid-19

A Personal Perspective on Recently Losing My Job Due to Covid-19

At 43 and after nine years of loyal employment, a little over a week ago, I was let go from my day job as a legal administrative assistant/paralegal due to “cutbacks” from the Covid-19 pandemic. I’m actually not writing to gripe about my former job or even about losing that ...
Creative Thinking

5 Ways to Help Stimulate Ideas During a Creative Block

Many creatives sometimes face a lull in their production of new works or the continuation of an existing work due to a “creative block”. They may often find it difficult to conjure up an idea to work on a new piece or to even finish a piece they’ve already begun.  ...

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Hibernating During the Novel Coronavirus

You’re not alone. Not this time. With the exception of our frontline heroes who are supplying medical care; law enforcement, public safety and EMTs; food and agriculture; utilities; communications and information technology; transportation and logistics; critical manufacturing; public works; hazardous materials and chemical workers; government operations, military and national security ...

